; Comment lines must begin with a ";" ; Enter as: Filename Type Description Types: D=DIR T=TXT A=ASC B=BIN Z=ZIP ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESSEX.MAP T Map of Essex nodes. GUIDELIN.DOC T Packet guidelines from RSGB/DTI TRUNK.MAP T Map of Essex trunk network. USER.DOC T User documentation for this pms. NODES D Node documentation NODES1.DOC A How to use a NetRom node. Part 1 NODES2.DOC A How to use a NetRom node. Part 2 NODES7.DOC A How to use a NetRom node. Part 7 TNCMODS D Tnc modifications. BSXDCD.MOD T Simple DCD mod for G0BSX tnc. BSXSTATE.MOD T Addition to BSX staterom DCD mod. KPC-2.MOD T Fitting battery backup. PK232.MOD T Reduce op-amp noise. STATEROM.MOD T Adding a state rom to tnc's. TNC2.MOD T MF-10 filter removal. TNC2 and clones. TNC220.MOD T Production updates. WESSY D Pye Westminster modifications. WESSYFAC.MOD T Adding a facilities socket. WESSYID.DOC T Identifying Westminster versions. WESSYLYG.DOC T Power connector connections. WESSYP-E.PT1 T Conversion of P to E band. Part one. WESSYP-E.PT2 T Part two. WESSYSQU.MOD T Improving squelch action. BINARY D Binary (Yapp) files directory. DIGITIZE.ZIP Z Voice digitizer using PC speaker. DISKTECH.ZIP Z Disk technical manual. EM87.ZIP Z Emulates a 8087 maths co-processor on 286/386 PC's HDINFO.ZIP Z Data on 224 hard disk formats. Unzips to over 325K NULMODEM.ZIP Z How to make a NUL MODEM cable. TESTCARD.ZIP Z VGA testcard. TCU.ZIP Z Gives the location of STD codes. ARCHIVE D Archiving utilities. PKUNZIP.EXE B File to unzip .ZIP files. PKZIP110.ZIP Z The complete McAfee PKZIP set from PKware PACKET D Packet Radio related files. 3COMBIOS.ZIP Z COMBIOS drivers with DOC file. 7PLUS.ZIP Z 7Plus 1.1 file coder/decoder program. DG1BBQ AX25STAT.ZIP Z AX25 performance monitor. BPQ404.EXE B Version 404 of BPQcode. All files. MBBIOS35.ZIP Z Define up to 10 COM ports. Inc DesqView support TN206.ZIP Z TheNet Version 2.06 with editor. YAPPB.ZIP Z WA7MBL's YAPPB files. RADIO D Amateur radio programs MORSE.ZIP Z Morse code practise VIRUS D Anti-Virus files. CLEAN108.ZIP Z Virus cleaner for use with SCAN SCANV108.ZIP Z McAfee virus scanner. VCOPY108.ZIP Z Copy files, checking for virus's at the same time. VSHLD108.ZIP Z Memory resident virus scanner. UTILS D General utilities. ACTILOG.ZIP Z PC Activity logging. ASCII.ZIP Z Displays ascii codes. EPSON.ZIP Z Replacement for GRAPHICS.COM for Epson printers. FLUSH.ZIP Z Remove troublesome TSR's and release memory. LIST.ZIP Z File list utility. UNWS.ZIP Z Un-WordStar a file.(Removes WordStar control codes) UNCRASH.ZIP Z Recover from an 'endless loop' crash. ; The order of entries is not important, but each filename must be unique, ; regardless of which sub directory it is in. ; *** The above filenames are for example only! ***